LENA Space was founded in 2016 by Edward Fletcher and Lee Giles to take advantage of their combined experience from advanced technology research and development programmes within the aerospace, automotive and motorsport sectors. Their satellite heritage incorporates both experimental LEO propulsion with green propellants, and GEO propulsion manufacture to telecommunication standards.

Building upon years of unique technical experience within multiple engineering programmes across the globe, from the Arctic Circle to high altitude aircraft, allows them to develop hardware in a full range of environmental challenges. LENA has developed their capabilities to suit space applications and cover all elements of chemical propulsion.


LENA’s core focus is to develop and supply launcher propulsion for the newly emerging commercial space launch market and work with dynamic space companies to develop new technology to flight qualification.

By using our experience of leading edge technologies such as reduced cost, low-volume composite supercar manufacture, qualification of spaceflight components and VTOL experimental aircraft, we aim to positively disrupt the new commercial space age. We take an innovative approach to designing and completing flight qualification programmes for new technology, by utilising rapid prototyping and diversified supply chains from other sectors.

LENA has supported large-scale UK rocket firings and refined propellant loading procedures and surface treatment techniques. We have also developed advanced manufacturing techniques to ESA flight qualification and ground support equipment for rocket system deployment in inhospitable environments.

Lee Giles and Edward Fletcher


Lee Giles and Edwards Fletcher

Prior to founding LENA Space, Lee has had a background in automotive and motorsport innovation, while Edward gained considerable expertise within experimental aircraft development.

Lee and Edward met at Bloodhound SSC, a land speed record car targeting 1,000 mph, and powered by a combination of jet and rocket engines. As part of the rocket team, Lee and Edward developed launcher-class propulsion hardware and ground support equipment for propellant loading, to essentially ‘launch’ a manned vehicle from multiple sites several times per day. After Bloodhound, they found demand for their unique skills and experience in the UK satellite industry, working on multiple satellite programmes. These included a green propellant thruster design, development of GEO telecommunication satellite manufacturing processes, and being involved in the build team for the first flight of a LEO satellite propulsion system.

Recognising the uniqueness of their vast experience and skill sets, Lee and Edward founded LENA Space to help make space technology more accessible. Their goal is to develop an ‘off-the-shelf’ ESA qualified propulsion system, enabling UK and EU low-cost commercial launch vehicles.


Test cell laser alignment


Laser alignment of test bed within the test cell, for precision running.

Vacuum ignitor space


Test cell CCTV footage during live testing, showing successful ignition.


CFD analysis of regenerative cooled nozzle design, showing pressure variation.